How to be a Joy Germ.

It’s too easy to spread (and pick up) negativity these days, would you agree? What if you decided to be intentional about spreading encouragement instead? One of the nicer aspects of social media is the plethora of positive oriented accounts that publish bright topics, good news & encouraging quotes.  It’s an easy thing to follow

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Are you familiar with a Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe? Wikipedia says this is “A capsule wardrobe is a minimalist collection of clothes that can be put together in different ways to cover a variety of outfits and occasions.” I can’t say I have a closet that covers a ‘variety of occasions’, but I do have one that

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RE: Tipping Skills These days tipping is getting a lot of attention with strong perspectives and for sure, tipping is not the simple concept it used to be. I’m seeing folks rant about ‘tipping culture run rampant’ and there’s a lot going on there. Yes, we’re being invited to tip in more situations – sometimes

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I’ve got to make an admission, and maybe some of you can relate – the topic of abundance principles and having an abundance mindset used to really annoy me. When people talked about abundance and the idea we could experience something different by thinking different, I’d roll my eyes and groan… “Not another one of those

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RE: Dream Chasing Skills Are you familiar with the term ‘Border Bully’? It’s from a little book by Bruce Wilkinson titled ‘The Dream Giver’. It tells a story about a Nobody named Ordinary who lived in the Land of Familiar. He discovers he has a Dream and decides to pursue it even though Nobody does

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RE: Dream Chasing Skills When I think of all the ways you can have a positive impact on the world, I want to put every good tool in your hands to make it happen faster, easier, bigger & more amazing! That’s what we women do… we support one another. We see a need and look

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RE: Self-Love Skills This might invite you to feel a little uncomfortable, but I know when someone isn’t practicing self-love. There are clear signals that tip me off. But don’t for a second think I’m judging you – it’s just that I know what it’s like. I lived without self-love for most of my life.

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RE: Autonomy Skills I believe we all have wonderfully uniqueness and when we allow ourselves to BE ourselves completely, we bring something so special and valuable to the world. Self-Autonomy is key. We’ve got to engage with the world from our deepest and truest self. Oh, but how few of us really do. It is

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RE: Self Autonomy Skills Building a life filled with joy and great personal meaning can only happen when I answer this question honestly: “What Do I Want?” Asking and answering the question has reshaped my life in big and little ways. It remains one of the all time favorite questions I use to pull myself

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RE: Relaxation Skills I am only mediocre at Euchre – and that’s OK. For anyone unfamiliar, Euchre is a card game played with two teams of two. It’s popular here in Michigan. I am only OKAY at the game. This means I know the rules. I don’t forget what’s ‘trump’ and can keep score. In

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