Every week I offer up a word for you to play with.
The word isĀ OVERCOME.
What have you successfully dealt with – so much so that it isn’t a problem for you anymore?
One thing I’ve Overcome is chronic self-criticism.
Years of coaching and practice in managing/redirecting my thoughts has reshaped how I respond to my mistakes and shortcomings. I am quicker to give myself compassion than judgment – and I celebrate the hell out of that!
What about other people in your life? Have you watched someone close to you overcome something tough?
Have you taken time to tell them how much you admire their growth? It might just make their day if you do!
To learn more about using a North Star Word to shape your life, there’s a whole Challenge in the Stretch Yourself Challenge GuideĀ you can get for free right here.
Shadow Journaling Prompt
Every week I’m providing a Shadow Journaling Prompt that you can use to bring a little more of your shadow out into the light.
This week’s prompt is:Ā What are you afraid you will NOT be able to Overcome?
It’s a truth that there are some challenges we will not overcome in this lifetime… does that haunt you a bit some days? Is there a something you’re dealing with that you’ve been trying to overcome for so long you worry it will never be behind you?
Note: Some journal prompts will tickle you and some won’t – it’s ok to cherry pick what you play with.
I never want to miss an opportunity toĀ inviteĀ you to lean into an Abundance Mindset.
The world around us is always changing and I wonder if you’ve been worrying about how change might affect your financial abundance. I know quite a few people who are fretting over the rise of AI, fearing that they won’t be able to make an income the way they used to. (And there’s some legitimate concern for some niches!)
What I want to encourage you to consider is that every big change offers just as many abundant possibilities as it seems to take away. Keep your eyes open and focus on what YOU want to do with your time, energy and creativity .
Don’t waste time looking back at specific businesses/niches that aren’t working anymore.
DO look back at what specific activities you loved about those experiences. You may not be able to recreate the exact business – but you can bring the actions you loved into something new.
“Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out”ā
– John Wooden
Wherever you are, whatever the situation, there is a path to abundance available!
Use These Ideas:
IĀ inviteĀ you to keep this email in your inbox for a day or two.
- Play with the wordĀ OVERCOME.
- Play with the Shadow Journaling Prompt.
- Play with spotting the actions you’ve most enjoyed in your work and look for ways to do it more!
And if you crave conversation around it – come talk to me about coaching.