Every week I offer up a word for you to play with.
The word is PATH ✨
You are on a Path… actually, in a way you’re on multiple paths at once.
- I’m on a professional path as a Mindset Coach and Podcaster.
- I’m on a personal path in a new relationship.
- I’m on a financial path to greater responsibility.
The first curious question to play with is ‘Do I like the Path I’m on?’
To learn more about using a North Star Word to shape your life, there’s a whole Challenge in the Stretch Yourself Challenge Guide you can get for free right here.
Shadow Journaling Prompt
Every week I’m providing a Shadow Journaling Prompt that you can use to bring a little more of your shadow out into the light.
This week’s prompt is: What am I afraid to admit about the Path I’m on?
Some of us are on a path we didn’t choose, or we made choice long ago when our options were more limited.
Imagine a fork on the path in your near future. One choice takes you into unfamiliar territory but seems filled with potential excitement. The other choice looks comfortable – full of the familiar – little possibility of being surprised.
- Which path would you choose?
- How would those closest to you feel about your choice of path?
- What new path would you choose if you could guarantee success?
Journal what comes to mind – and if you gain some new awareness, I’d love to hear it.
I never want to miss an opportunity to invite you to lean into an Abundance Mindset.
One of the greatest mindset shifts I’ve practiced in recent years is choosing to redirect my thoughts around money and the ways abundance can show up in my life.
I have a fully updated Abundance Practice that I’m going to invite you to try out with me soon. It will be a 21 Day Experience. I’m telling you because I like to paint myself into the corners I want to be in LOL! Stay tuned for more info!
For now, a quote:
The world is full of abundance and opportunity,
but far too many people come to the fountain of life
with a sieve instead of a tank car…
a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel.
They expect little and as a result they get little.
– Ben Sweetland
Use These Ideas:
I invite you to keep this email in your inbox for a day or two.
- Play with the word PATH.
- Play with the Shadow Journaling Prompt.
- Play with the idea that you might be expecting too little and getting it too often.
And if you crave conversation around it – come talk to me about coaching for awhile.